martes, 1 de enero de 2008

::: Navidades 2007 :::

Cuéntame un cuento.

¿Qué cuento?

El cuento de Navidad 2007

"Mientras nosotros (tu en mi panza, yo paseándote por el buffet del Hotel Nacional de Cuba en busca del antojo perfecto) la pasábamos de maravilla con tus abuelos y tía (una santera nos predijo el futuro, montamos en un taxi huevo, una gaviota nos saludó en el malecón, fuimos de compras al mercadillo y monté al Ché en mi saco Habana), acá, en Nicaragua quedaban tus primos y tíos por parte de padre (estan ríe que te ríe en las fotos ... la pasaron diacachimba!!!).

El año que viene estarás entre nosotros ----mamma mía---- (habrá que estirarte muy mucho para que puedas disfrutar de estas dos familias)"


Buenas noches, a dormir.

Tell me a story.
What story?
The story of Christmas 2007
" While we (you in my belly, me walking along the buffet of the National Hotel of Cuba in search of the perfect whim) were having a wonderfull time with your grandparents and aunt (a "santera" predicted the future to us, we took a taxi egg, a gull greeted us in the "malecón", we went shopping to the street market and I put Ché in my Havana´s bag), here, in Nicaragua, they were remaining your cousins and uncles from your father´s side (they laughs and laughs in the photos ... they spent it "diacachimba!!!").
The year that comes you will be with us----mamma mia---- (there will be necessary to stretch you very very much in order that you could enjoy these two families) "
Good nights, go to sleep.

2 comentarios:

cricri dijo...

El 2008 va a ser un muy buen año con ese peque entre dos países repartiendo sonrisas. ¡Feliz año niña!

Anónimo dijo...

Hola Lau and congratulations of being pregnant. I did get your email before but was in the middle of a lot of disaster in Bangladesh after the big cyclone in November and only got home from there a few days ago.

You sound very happy to be a new mum (nearly) and that is great to hear. You must be very happy.

So a happy Christmas (navidad), a great 2008 (Feliz Ano Nuevo) which you will remember for ever because it will be such a special year for you.

Suerte and take care
